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Traditional Yin Yoga with Acupressure

with Clare Stephens

Traditional Yin Yoga with Acupressure
with Clare Stephens
Friday 7th February, 6 - 7.30pm

A full 90 minute traditional exercise class designed to strengthen and release our connective tissues, stimulate bone renewal and prompt an extra release of natural body ‘moisturisers’ which help lubricate our joints and give us an external ‘glow’.

A Yin session stimulates the production of Collagen, Elastin, Synovial Fluid and Hyaluronic Acid within our bodies.

Yin (being the opposite of Yang) is just as essential to the machinations of the body as vigorous, intense exercise.

Derived from the principles of Ancient Chinese Medicine and originating as part of a Martial Arts practice, it is an exercise process that can be misunderstood in its intentions. It can be just as challenging as an intense ‘aerobic workout’ but in a different way.

Acupuncture lines (also known as the Meridian Lines) run throughout the body and in this session we will explore all of them through a variety of long holds, set in a sequence and a brief explanation of what is happening in each posture.

Clare will apply acupressure during some postures to assist the process and the ‘Free Gift’ (at the end of the class!) should be an intense feeling of relaxation and an endorphin boost (the physical body benefits can be felt the next day).

A perfect introduction for those who wish to know more about Yin/Daoism/ Tao Yoga and the positive effects on the body (especially those who are very ‘yang’) and for regulars who fancy a class with ‘extra’.

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